Get On The Right Track With Our Health Coaching Program At Taecole Tae Kwon Do & Fitness!

Ray Messina is a wellness expert who educates, motivates and guides clients toward lifestyle and behavior choices that support optimal well-being. As a Primal Health Coach I stay ahead of the curve with an integrated approach, helping others create lives of maximum vitality using nutrition and fitness intelligence based on scientifically validated ancestral health principles. My aim as a Primal Health Coach is to help clients extract the most joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment from their lives by focusing on their values, needs, visions and goals in an extremely personalized way.
Get Expert Fitness Advice Through Health Coaching in Albertson!
As the only certified Primal Health Coach on Long Island, I provide an approach to wellness and health that is unique. Hours of endless weekly workouts, measuring foods, drinking shakes and taking supplements are completely unnecessary. The benefits of following an ancestral diet and lifestyle are endless, the food is real and the workouts are brief. In addition to being a certified health coach, I have over twenty years experience in the martial arts, health and wellness, which I bring into the mix.
One of the many benefits of following an ancestral diet and lifestyle is the ability of gene expression. What this means is that we have the ability to turn off or turn on certain genes. I'm living proof of this. Fifteen years ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. At one point I was on over six different medications and only getting sicker. I started to do research on the connection between autoimmune diseases and food. Within six months I was off all medications and the condition from which I was suffering from has never returned.
This year I will turn 53. I enjoy excellent health and with it all the benefits. I live life to it's fullest and age does not mean a thing to me. I do not spend hours working out, measuring food portions, eating six times a day, living off of shakes or taking a myriad of supplements. I enjoy meeting with new clients and working one on one with them to meet their health goals.
Sign Up Today To Get Your Assessment And Meet Your Goals!
Signing up is easy, all you have to do is fill out the form on the right side of the page and we will get back to you with more information about Health Coaching in Albertson. We look forward to working with you!